Males and Ties

This guy looks so cool. I mean, c’mon! He’s wearing a tie! For some reason, ties look better on girls in manga and anime, but it doesn’t do any harm here.

Instead of posting the sketch and the final by themselves I decided to merge them into one picture. It seems to make everything smpler and cleaner.

I think that if you ignore the shoes(ahaha) this is a pretty nice pose. Once again I was able to thwart the feeling of lifeless poses. This pose looks pretty natural.

Let’s see… What else? Ah- I wanted to make his hair look messy-ish, I wonder if I succeeded with that? Also, he’s looking up, probably at the sky or something, I have no idea. lol

Super Detective Maguro-chan!


This is a character that I made to appear in a 2 page gag setting Manga. The joke was pretty bad.

As you can guess, Maguro is a detective. Notice the magnifying glass in her pocket. Her hair is a bit strange, as it has these gaps in it.

Also, I paid LOTS of attention to doing the shoes this time. I even boxed them out in the beginning to make sure that they would look somewhat correct.

I tried something new with the legs here. I was going for the bent inward moe look… Either you’ll see that, or you’ll see a loli detective with broken legs.

I think I’ll try inking her tomorrow.



If at all possible, I would really like to draw at least once per day. However, there will be some days when I just can’t manage it. On days when I am unable to draw, I will force myself to make a post containing a fail pic that I’ve draw in the past as well as an excuse for why I was unable to draw that particular day. And I’m only doing this for fun. Hopefully I can keep these posts to a minimum…

Today’s excuse! Today I had to wake up early to attend to a familial matter. Right after that ended I had to go to work, which lasted longer than expected. I would normally draw right now, but since I have work early tomorrow morning, I need to get to bed. So in the meantime, enjoy my fail pic.

Main Character

Remember my main goal for this Summer? It’s to be able to gain enough skill to create my yon-koma that I’ve been designing. Well, I’m still having trouble getting the main character’s hair to look nice. I may be going for a hairstyle that is just too out there…

Oppai? Where?


Nothing special here. I switched the nib I was using and that eliminated the shaky looking lines(although it did not fix my horribleness… Strange).

This pic is of a young lady who’s got her key… For her motorcycle of course!

I did attempt to give her a hint of oppai, but not too much. I’m usually a pure loli kind of guy, but I figured I’d better learn how to draw teh oppais. Those thigh highs, on the other hand, are a different story. I like to think that I’ve mastered the stocking/thigh meeting point.

Finally, I’m gonna have to practice feet/shoes. Holy crap those feet look horrible.

Boys, Perspective, and Love Letters

Yep, more perspective and more males. I don’t know… I kind of like the last male better, but this one has a less intimidating atmosphere.

This guy is clearly attempting to hand a love letter to the girl of his dreams. The hand holding the love letter is my best attempt at adding a little bit of dimension to the z-axis baby.

Again, this guy looks a bit stiff. I need to figure out what makes the last guy I drew have that “natural” look, and then copy it…

Also, I seem to not be inking right. The hair looks very bad; it’s wavy and the line seems to be skipping around all over the place… I’ll have to try and steady my hand.


One update to the picture in my last post. I never did add a nose… And I think that noses on guys are probably a good idea. Girls can do without because it adds cuteness.



I sat down at my desk today ready to draw another front facing loli… What’s wrong with me?! Didn’t I specifically tell myself that I needed to draw new things?? Of course I did.

After sitting there for about 15 minutes I decide that I would try drawing a male. I mapped out the pose to be something I’ve never done before. The pose is one of those “cool guy lean on one leg back arch” kind of poses.

I think it came out great. Not perfect of course, but this is like my 3rd time ever drawing a male character.

The thing I like most about this pic is the fact that the body looks natural… Compared to my other drawings where the bodies all look stiff and dead.

Perspective is Freaking Annoying

My first drawing of the day. Not sure if you can recognize her, but I actually drew this girl yesterday (Actually, she’s in the Banner too xD). I figured that if I wanted to get good at doing different posers and such, I should just go ahead and try them and see what happens… Well, this happened. I hope that this teaches you a valuable lesson about perspective… “Perspective is impossible.” It’s a valuable lesson, so remember it xD

No, I’m sure that eventually, if I practice hard enough and I’m able to imagine it in my mind clear enough that I’ll be able to get it done efficiently enough.

Also, did I mention? Another one of my goals is to become proficient in inking. Inking is hard, but I feel if I try it a little bit everyday, I’ll have to get better. Just today I discovered that if you hold the pen further from the nib, it seems easier to control. :D

When you’re sitting down in a chair for hours, you tend to get bored. Bored because you’re frustrated that you can’t draw crap. And so that’s how these scribblies were born. I felt I should throw this in here because scribbles are the key to space and time.

Here’s my better drawing of the day. After the perspective failure earlier, I felt like doing something simple, although I still seemed to screw that up.

Apparently I messed up the ear somehow without realizing it… And it was clearly like that before I inked, so I have no idea why I didn’t see it. I really like the hair; I feel like I’ve leveled up in terms of hair.

If you can’t tell, yes she’s supposed to be sitting on her hair, but I messed up the legs too and they don’t really look like they should be bending like that…

Oh well! I’ve still got 111 days to fix my mistakes!

First, a little Background

Before I start with the regular updating of this blog, I first need to attend to the past few days. The past few days I was already on summer vacation, although I hadn’t gotten the idea to make a blog about this until today. O__O

Anyway, these are all of the pictures I made in the past few days, not including today, which I will make a post of shortly.

This is probably my best pic from the past few days. It is clearly inspired by the art of He is My Master (Kore ga Watashi no Goushujin-sama). I really enjoy both the anime and the manga, and especially Mitsuki <3 so that is why I’ve chosen to try and study it so I can grasp how to correctly draw faces an such.

Well! That’s enough about the past! Time to move to the future!